Sunday, February 16, 2025

Granny Annie

In January, I became a grandmother and a few weeks later, we were able to fly out to Alberta to see our new granddaughter, Marina. She is perfect and beautiful and cuddly and I could go on and on. I love babies, I always have. But to hold my own granddaughter was something quite unique and wonderful. Looks like I will be making vacation trips to Alberta....

Monday, January 13, 2025


I did not make any resolutions this year. At least not in the usual sweeping way that I normally do. Instead, I am going with moderation, more of some things and less of others. I am doing (way) less shopping, less (no) wine, less junk food, less sharing of my opinions, less social media. And I am doing more exercise, more water, more reading, more prayer, more trying new things. This seems to be more manageable and is working so far. Today I went to the gym for the first time in five years!! No, I did not enjoy it before, during or after. But I went. Last night I went for sauna and swimming. Perhaps there's a chance I can actually keep this going. Well, except the not sharing my opinions part, we all know that's a lost cause, lol.

Friday, January 3, 2025


2024 had some bitter disappointments, death, unexpected drama and conflicts. But, it also had answered prayers, new friendships, new family and travel. Overall, I am grateful. The hard stuff hopefully changed me for the better and besides, I can trust that it came from the sovereign hand of God.

Some of the highlights from my travels with family and different friends are in the collage. Naturally, we went to Hope multiple times. But, I was also able to go to Powell River, Washington, Orlando, Victoria, Whistler, Rock Ridge Canyon, San Francisco and Lumby. Washington was full of museums and walking. Powell River was chilling by the ocean. Lumby, which we visited twice as a family, was relaxing with extended family. Rock Ridge was spiritually enriching connecting with ladies from church. Victoria was educational and fun and turned into a weekend of food and shopping. Orlando was a spiritual retreat among the palm trees. Whistler was a perfect weekend away. San Francisco was pure fun and adventure. Every single one of these trips was a highlight of the year in a slightly different way. But now on to 2025! And before I can even think of travelling, I need to declutter my house...

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas friends!


I have loved many things this Christmas... Being in the choir and getting to practise Christmas songs all fall. Hosting the staff party. Having dinner with my siblings and their families and playing games and laughing and staying too late. Going to Christmas concerts. Giving gifts. Shopping. Various Christmas parties. Admiring all the lights everywhere. Candles.
But tonight, I went to the candlelight service at my church. It was quiet and lovely. We sang with just a piano and a guitar. The tone was rather hushed and reverent even. And I loved it most of all because it was the perfect way to usher in the quiet of Christmas. It's past midnight now, so its the early hours of Christmas day. We'll spend a quiet day at home with just the four of us. The rush is over. Merry Christmas friends!!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Second Chance

My mother got remarried at 73 years old and I think it is nothing but great! Make no mistake-my father was the great love of my mother's life. They were together for 47 years. They were happy and in love. She mourned him for 4 solid years. She told anyone who would listen about her loss, and how blessed she'd been. But after 4 years, she met someone new. Or not new exactly- she reconnected with an old aquaintance. And that meeting of a widow and a widower, who both loved God and music and family, turned into a second chance at love. How great is that?

It has been very interesting to see people's reactions though. A lot of people can't seem to let go of the past. I loved my father fiercely and would do anything to get him back. But, that love does not in any way affect my feelings toward this new relationship. My father is not coming back. Happiness in this world is fleeting. If my mother has a second chance for happiness with a man who clearly loves her, how can that be anything but a blessing?

Sunday, December 22, 2024


I did the Scripture reading at church this morning from Luke. I was particularly moved by the words from Luke 1:76-79: "because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace".

Wow, that's really beautiful. To think of the mercy and light of God being like a sunrise after the deep, dark of night. It's not hard to picture darkness, despair and death these days. There is just so much evil and suffering and injustice. But to picture the sun rising into the midst of that, the dark night ending and light dawning, that image is hope. That is the message of Christmas. Merry Christmas friends; the light has come. His kingdom is here, but also not yet fully. But, "one day everything sad is going to come untrue and it will somehow be greater for having once been broken and lost."

Anyone who knows me, knows I am not ever a morning person. But in Florida, when the colours of the sunrise wake you, you need to get up and take a picture.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Staff party

Lesley, in the middle, is the one who mopped for me and did many other wonderful things to help get ready and set up. Carolyn, on the left, is our most amazing support worker.

I hosted our staff party last night, which was crazy. I live in a townhouse and almost 30 people had rsvp'd as coming. I do not have space for 30 people on my main floor and I could hardly banish anyone to the basement (those people didn't sign up to come who I would've wanted down there anyway lol). But, our previous party hostess swtiched schools, everyone prefers a home over a restaurant, I live five minutes from school and I am on the social committee this year. So, I thought I would give it a go. 
My house was very full. There were people everywhere. But, the whole thing went very well. A couple of my closer teaching friends came early to help set up. The kitchen table was overflowing with appetizers. One of those same friends had actually come to mop and vacuum with me the night before. By the time the party started, everything was ready and the four of us who were early were sitting around chatting and sampling the appies. No mad, sweaty running around at the last minute.
Once the party got going, everyone was happily eating and chatting and taking photos at the silly photo booth I had set up. It was great. Dinner, which we had ordered in, arrived on time and was delicious.
The funny thing is that even though it was packed, everyone seemed to have a good time. A few had said they would only pop in for a few minutes and ended up staying through dinner and dessert too. The last guests left 5 hours after the party had started. It was fun and I would do it again.
The "early" crew.