Friday, November 8, 2024

God is already there

Before the alarm,

before the coffee,

before the waking up,

He is already there.

Before the morning rush,

before the drop off line,

before the to-dos on your list,

He is already there.

Before the deadline,

before the disappointment,

before the unexpected delay,

He is already there.

Before the diagnosis,

before the phone call,

before the meeting,

He is already there.

Before the confrontation,

before the heartbreak,

before the life-changing news,

He is already there.

Before the laughter,

before the surprise,

before the blessing,

He is already there.

Before the decision,

before the outcome,

before the need to know,

He is already there.

Before all you will face,

before all you will need to do,

before all you will 


walk through,

see and feel this day -

your God is already there.~❤

~Stacy L. Sanchez