In January, I became a grandmother and a few weeks later, we were able to fly out to Alberta to see our new granddaughter, Marina. She is perfect and beautiful and cuddly and I could go on and on. I love babies, I always have. But to hold my own granddaughter was something quite unique and wonderful. Looks like I will be making vacation trips to Alberta....
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Monday, January 13, 2025
Friday, January 3, 2025
Some of the highlights from my travels with family and different friends are in the collage. Naturally, we went to Hope multiple times. But, I was also able to go to Powell River, Washington, Orlando, Victoria, Whistler, Rock Ridge Canyon, San Francisco and Lumby. Washington was full of museums and walking. Powell River was chilling by the ocean. Lumby, which we visited twice as a family, was relaxing with extended family. Rock Ridge was spiritually enriching connecting with ladies from church. Victoria was educational and fun and turned into a weekend of food and shopping. Orlando was a spiritual retreat among the palm trees. Whistler was a perfect weekend away. San Francisco was pure fun and adventure. Every single one of these trips was a highlight of the year in a slightly different way. But now on to 2025! And before I can even think of travelling, I need to declutter my house...