"People who constantly react are never really free. Someone else is always in control, determining how they feel and act".
This quote has been my mantra lately. Or at least I have tried to live by it. I tend to be a "reactionary". Someone cuts me off on the road, or doesn't signal or "forgets" how to alternate when merging and I start to see red. Some days I just get a little annoyed. Other days, when the offense has been really grievous, I can be fuming for a while. In fact, I may even tell Pentti about it in the evening, if someones has really royally ticked me off (usually these are the near-accident stories where I could have been seriously hurt because of someone else's idiocy). Anyway, at the end of the day, whether I fume for a few moments or a few hours, I have let the other stupid driver control my day. He/she has gone home more than likely unaware and definitely unscathed by my rage. Meanwhile, I have wasted my energy on getting mad. What's the point? I am only in control of my car. Wouldn't it be better just to (fake) smile and say bless you in an attempt to prevent someone else from ruining your day?
Road rage is of course only one simple example of letting someone else be in control, but its a pretty familiar one to most people. Me, I am going to try to act, not react. I will chose to be happy on the road.