I was very lucky to grow up in a Finnish Canadian church. It was a close knit community and a large part of what made it so wonderful was the bonds between the different generations. I was surrounded by peers, but also their parents as well as lots of grandparents. As immigrants, the grandparents weren't always ours, but they were older church people who formed an integral part of the community. Sometimes they were older people who gave us candy, and other times they were older people who scolded us for laughing and passing notes in church. Either way, they were an everpresent part of my childhood and shaped me into the person I am today.
So, what to do when there are less and less of those pillars still standing? Yesterday, I was at the memorial of yet another strong pillar from my Finnish community. I understand that it is part of the cycle of life and that every generation probably worries about what will happen when the older and wiser people are all gone. But really, what are we supposed to do? We have huge shoes to fill.
I think back to one of the older ladies I knew growing up. She was actually one of the church founders and one of the strongest women I have ever known. I think back to my grandfather who was full of integrity and a zeal for learning. I think back to one of the (many) pastors we had stay at our house who was one of the wisest people I've ever known, but also a wicked Scrabble player with a fabulous sense of humour. I think back to my best friend's dad who was also a force in the world of education and shaped my thinking and education in many ways. All these people and many more are gone. It makes me sad and nostalgic but also tremendously grateful. I got to grow up around these wise, exemplary, generous people and have them shape my life. Hopefully the next generation (including me) steps up and tries to fill some of the gaping holes left behind by these wonderful people.