Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Strong Cuppa

Did you know that Finnish people drink the most coffee per person out of any other nation in Europe or North America? So perhaps it's not surprising then that I LOVE my coffee. Ever since I can remember, coffee moments have been special in my family. My mom would always have something to go with. She would also put out the nice cups and even serviettes, to make the ordinary coffee moments into something special. "Let's make GOOD coffee" could be heard in my house every single day of my life. It's no wonder then that I have so many special memories from sitting at the coffee table.
I remember spending hours at the cafe called Calhoun's on West Broadway (since closed). It was open 24 hours and served me well in my university years. They had the best sandwiches and cheesecakes. I spent a lot of time there with three of my best girlfriends at the time: Ingrid, Sherisse and Mehj. They played really good music. I remember one time being ready to leave and they put on one of Sting's albums. We sat back down and stayed for the whole album; how could we not-it was Sting!
Benny's Bagels (also on West Broadway and since closed) was another favourite. It was dark and kinda creepy, but the atmosphere was perfect for those deep, dark philosophical discussions one tends to have into the wee hours as a teenager.
I also remember lots of coffee moments from my own kitchen. I have hosted countless friends for coffee and each treasured moment was special in its own way. My "BSF friends" have spent tens of hours in my kitchen since those coffee dates always ended up lasting more than four hours.
Perhaps surprisingly, two of my most significant memories were actually over tea. Maureen, a friend I've blogged about before, invited me to her house for afternoon tea. She had gone all out with baking scones and making the little finger sandwiches. She had out her special china and it was all just for me; I felt so loved in that moment.
My other tea time was at the Secret Garden teahouse in Kerrisdale. I took my friend there who was moving back to Finland. We had shared many coffee moments at my house, but I wanted to do something special before she left. It was very bittersweet in that we were both very sad that she was leaving. There may have been some tears. But, it was a beautiful way to say goodbye.
So, coffee or tea, those moments of sitting together and sharing life have been beautiful. There is something unhurried and leisurely about sitting down and indulging in a cuppa with a friend.