I got a card in the mail today and it totally made my week! I have sent out quite a few cards and letters over the past weeks. I never sent them out expecting, or even hoping, for mail back. My only motive was to make someone's day by sending them real mail. Quite a few of the people I mailed were delighted and I received some lovely, appreciative texts and phone calls. And that was enough.
But, Anja sent me a card. In the mail. I have known her my whole life. She actually knew my family back in Finland already. But, back in the day, she immigrated to Toronto and my family moved to Vancouver. So, I haven't seen her all that often. But she is such a lovely woman of God. I've blogged before about the strength of Finnish women, and she is no exception. But, she is also sweet and loving. I was SO happy to get mail from her.