Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 So today's word prompt for the writing challenge I am doing is: REFRESH. I feel like I have already blogged so much about all the things that I do to refresh myself whether it's reading, meeting a friend, going outside, listening to music, going to Hope etc. I had to really rack my brain to think about what else I do that I might not have blogged about ad nauseum. One thing I'm sure has come up in my writing previously, but maybe not so overtly is being refreshed from being understood and having good conversation. I have spent so much time in my life in crowds of various sizes feeling misunderstood and alone. Just this morning, I was on a zoom call with about 180 other people who I know to varying degrees, and I felt alone. Like I couldn't chat (on the side) with a single person in that group about what I was really thinking. So, to go for a walk and lunch afterward and to share my unfiltered self with my friend was refreshing. I felt understood and loved. 

We also had some really great conversation. We always do and it never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes we disagree, sometimes one of us takes over the conversation in an animated telling of some idea, sometimes we confirm one another's thinking, sometimes we have no answers. But, there is always, always good, deep conversation. And lots of laughter. How refreshing.