Pre-Christmas is my favourite. I don't like the crazy, the scrambling, the crowds and noise of Christmas. But I love the peace and carols and lights of pre-Christmas. When I can sit in the evenings and stare at my Christmas tree. When there is no hurried last minute scramble to find gifts or to cook or clean. One of my favourite bloggers reads an Advent poem every day and I love to listen to her read and mull over the words.
Surprisingly, however, this weekend turned out to be a super busy opening to the Christmas season. We went to our first Christmas party. We attended two Advent church services. We went to a Christmas carol sing-along. And much to my surprise, I loved every minute! Yes, it was a lot for one weekend, but it was great. Mostly, it was great because a lot of it was with my church family. There are some really, really lovely people who attend my church and I am so blessed to be in a community with them.
Below is a ridiculous picture from Friday's Christmas party. I'll leave it at that....