Wednesday, January 4, 2023


Word of the year for 2023: trust. I have blogged before about what a hard time I have trusting people. Granted, I have been disappointed many times by people who have proven themselves untrustworthy. But. I am no longer going to live my life always questioning what people tell me. I am tired of being a cynic. I am going to try to take people at their word. I am not going to spend my time wondering about the subtext, what they "really" meant, what they left unsaid. 

In my Bible studies this week, the verses talked about let your yes be yes and your no be no. The context was of course different, but I was thinking I could also apply it to letting another person's yes be yes and no be no. People don't actually owe me an explanation. If they give one and it's less than the "whole" truth, perhaps they are not comfortable with sharing the whole truth. Or maybe our relationship is not at the level that they want to tell me. Or maybe it's complicated and they don't want to explain right now. 

My job is to take their words at face value. People will tell me as much or as little as they want to and I am going to be okay with that. I am going to trust them.