My mother got remarried at 73 years old and I think it is nothing but great! Make no mistake-my father was the great love of my mother's life. They were together for 47 years. They were happy and in love. She mourned him for 4 solid years. She told anyone who would listen about her loss, and how blessed she'd been. But after 4 years, she met someone new. Or not new exactly- she reconnected with an old aquaintance. And that meeting of a widow and a widower, who both loved God and music and family, turned into a second chance at love. How great is that?
It has been very interesting to see people's reactions though. A lot of people can't seem to let go of the past. I loved my father fiercely and would do anything to get him back. But, that love does not in any way affect my feelings toward this new relationship. My father is not coming back. Happiness in this world is fleeting. If my mother has a second chance for happiness with a man who clearly loves her, how can that be anything but a blessing?