I had the privilege of growing up in a Finnish-Canadian church. At the time, I didn't really consider it anything that remarkable, but in looking back, it really was. One of the things that I now realize was very special was the strong female role models that I had growing up. Finnish women are strong, opinionated, and determined. The church was actually founded by two women; that alone tells you something. I knew both women growing up and they were amazing. They were already seniors by that time, but they walked for miles, they drove, they preached at church, they were forces to be reckoned with. So were the other women at my church. A lot of them worked outside the home. Many of them were educated and had degrees. Even though they were not in leadership roles per se, they were definitely leaders. There was never any question in my mind about whether they were equal to or as good as the men. I love that.
It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child. I feel like I had that village and it was full of strong women. The church mothers knew me. They encouraged me, they scolded me, they were involved. They were there for me and I'm grateful.