I like old ladies. I've blogged about it before. One of my friends half jokingly said that I collect them. I don't really, but then again, do I? I've always thought myself pretty weird for befriending old ladies. Who does that as a child? Now that I am 45, it doesn't seem quite so strange, but it still isn't within the expected normal. I've always played it down or been slightly embarrassed by the fact that I have friends that are decades older than me. But lately, I have been wondering if this is actually by design. What if God created me to befriend and encourage older women? What if encouraging and walking alongside women older than me is exactly what I am supposed to be doing? In the last few years especially, I feel like there are a few older women that God has purposefully placed in my life. He may have placed them in my life to encourage me as well, but I know without a doubt that they have been "placed" and not just somehow accidentally become my friends.
This morning, I had an interesting chat with a woman from BSF. She is in her 70s. Her and I have never been in the same discussion group, but our groups have combined several times over the last two years. She is one of those people that from the first meeting I thought; I like her. Anyway. She came up to me after discussion group today and said that she has always enjoyed my sharing and that I am smart and wise and she'd like to get to know me. It was unexpected to say the least, and rather humbling. Who am I that she should say such kind things to me? But it did bring to mind again the thought that maybe I am called to this. It sounds so serious and weighty, but I really do believe that God is orchestrating and leading our lives a lot more than we think He is. He cares and he knows what we need. Maybe old ladies need me and I need them?