Yesterday we went to church for the first time in 26 weeks! It was amazing. I might have cried I was so grateful. Of course our church did not stop gathering over the last six months, but we could not gather physically in our church building. Yesterday as we drove up to church, I was so excited. As we walked up to the building, who should I see but one of my VERY FAVOURITE people from church: Ursula. I couldn't hug her, but other than that, it was so, so wonderful to see her.
The sanctuary looked fairly empty as the seats were spaced out for social distancing. But the warm, inviting feeling was the same. The worship was so great. To sing, even with a mask on, filled my heart with joy. To hear Brett preach live was amazing. I know this post may seem like it's full of superlatives, but I can't help it. My cup runneth over.