Living in a pandemic sucks in a lot of ways. There are things I can't do, my movements are restricted, work is weird, the economy is tanking. But, there are some silver linings, things that I am glad for:
-I don't need to shake hands with anyone. I've never liked this practise and I hope it's gone forever.
-not being hugged by people. I love hugs, but only from a VERY small handful of people. Everyone else can keep six feet away. Forever.
-parents can't come into schools. This is especially helpful in kindergarten when kids cry until their parents leave and are then fine. No hovering helicopter parents is great!
-restaurants are not busy and are actually extra clean. Bathrooms are cleaned all the time.
-meet the teacher night is cancelled. Since I am both a parent and a teacher, this actually frees up FOUR evenings. Yay!
-all meetings are virtual. This means taking meetings at home, in my pajamas, on the sofa. Or, I can listen to the meeting and multitask. Last week during a zoom meeting, I baked banana loaf. Today, I cleaned my kitchen.
-there's less traffic. It seems to be increasing every day, but overall, there is still less traffic than "normal".
-most things require registration which means if you have registered, you have a spot. No more line ups
-congregating and socializing are discouraged at church, at schools, at work. This means NO small talk!!!
I'm sure there are lots more but these are the ones that come to mind right now...