Friday, August 19, 2022


Today's writing prompt: what was the last book that took you by surprise and why.
I recently discovered Frederick Buechner. He died last week and some of the writers and bloggers that I follow had commented on what an impact his writings had made in their lives. So, I went to look. I took a few of his books out from the library. How had I never heard of this man before? I have read a few pages and I'm totally in love with his writing. He writes reflections on literature and faith and art. The back cover of one of his books describes him thus: "Pay attention says Buechner. Listen to the call of a bird or the rush of the wind, to the people who flow in and out of your life. The ordinary points you to the extraordinary God who created and loves all of creation, including you. Pay attention to these things as if your life depends upon it. Because, of course, it does." Wow. One thousand percent yes.