I'm starting a new blogging challenge for the month of August. Each day (assuming I stick with it) I'll get a prompt telling me what to write about. Since I love writing but am often stuck for ideas, I'm happy to be given a word or idea and then seeing where that takes me.
So, today's word is "observe". I have a few thoughts about this. First of all, I think observation is a lost art. To really stop and notice things and people around you. Do you know how many people feel invisible because those around them aren't observant and are instead completely focused on self? Seeing people matters. Seeing nature matters. It's one of the things I really try to drill into my students, especially when we're outside. What do you see? Hear? Smell? What fills you with wonder?
I think deeply connected to observation is quiet. If you're babbling a mile a minute, you can't possibly be very observant. You're missing out. I read somewhere that if you're talking, you're sharing what you already know. But if you're listening, you're learning. Of course this exposes my deep introverted way of thinking, but it doesn't mean I'm wrong.
As to what I've been observing lately on a personal level, it is the extravagant lavishness of God's creation. I was recently on vacation on the east coast and now as I write, I'm at our cabin in Hope. The variety in creation amazes me. God could've created one kind of tree and one kind of flower. Instead He created hundreds of varieties in various shades and colours and for no other purpose than for His glory and for us to enjoy. He is extravagant in His abundant provision for us. Going back to the creation story in Genesis, you can notice many references to "all"...That was the original plan, that we'd live in perfect harmony with God and all of creation and that we'd have all we could ever need. The fact that this is not our present reality is not part of the plan. But, we live with the assurance that He is making ALL things new. Meanwhile, even in the brokenness, there is much beauty and goodness to observe, if you open your eyes (and maybe occasionally shut your mouth...lol)