Wednesday, August 21, 2024


God works all things together for good....Oftentimes this is hard to see, but sometimes, especially in reflecting back, you can see how God has been leading and guiding from way back. 
Winnie and I met when our oldest sons started preschool, 16 years ago. We both also had second sons the same age. We were friendly, but not very close. When both sets of our boys finished preschool we lost touch. Unbeknownst to each other, we both had daughters five years later. Then one day, I "randomly" ran into her while on a walk in the forest. We chatted for awhile and agreed we should meet up. Winnie said she couldn't do Tuesdays because that was BSF day. Having never heard of it, I asked what that was and so began a long chain of events which have completely changed my life. All from that "chance" meeting.
I started BSF in 2014. It lead me to deeper Bible study. It introduced me to some of my closest friends. I formed a summer Bible study group with some of those friends which met for three summers to study God's word every week. Through BSF, I was also indirectly lead to the church that we have now been attending for the last eight years. Christ City church has been one of the biggest blessings of my life.
Through Winnie, I was also introduced to my choir. Again, I had never heard of it, but her friend sang in it and we went to the choir's Christmas concert. I was hooked. Through a friend in choir, I was indirectly introduced to Nancy Guthrie, who is a Bible teacher who has profoundly impacted my walk with God and also lead me to other Bible teachers who have inspired me greatly.
All that to say, I do not believe in chance meetings or coincidences. God is sovereignly guiding our lives in a million ways that we often do not see. That one meeting with Winnie in the forest ten years ago has changed the direction of my life in ways I could have never imagined. Amazing.

(Last night I met up with Winnie and Crystal, who was my first BSF leader.)