Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Birthday week

I had the most wonderful birthday week full of friends and surprises and cake and flowers and cards. I met up with so many friends and family. I was really touched by all the love. I am very blessed to have so many wonderful friends and a family who loves me. I am grateful.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Catching Up

I had a dinner party yesterday with these ladies (and one more who is missing from the photo). We have been through a lot together over the years and life continues to throw challenges at many of us. But to be in community, to share our burdens, to eat, laugh, hug and catch up-that's exactly what we all needed. It was great!

Interestingly, I have actually met up with different friends every single day this week. You'd think that would be tiring for this introvert, but it has been really nice. During school, my time is more limited and in the evenings I often don't feel like socializing. To have the time to hang out with friends, but also have enough time to recharge in between with alone time has been amazing. But, I better go get ready because the next friend is coming over in an hour...

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


"I want to be a person who is easily delighted, who lives with an extremely low bar for delight. I want to be flooded with joy by a perfectly ripe peach, heart-bursting with happiness at the sound of my kids' laughter, dazzled by the sky at dusk." 

And so, here is my list of things that have delighted me lately in no particular order:

My new deck. My brother replaced our rotting wood decking with composite tiles. I love it so much and he did it right before school ended.

Handwritten thank you cards from my students, complete with heartfelt messages and drawings of us holding hands. Also emails from parents who say my daughter no longer says I hate school every day like she did the year before.

The laughter of my often sullen, moody preteen daughter. Especially while playing cards.

My daughter's theological questions of late. I don't know all the answers, but I am so delighted that she is thinking deeply about things.

Going to a favourite cafe or patio with a friend and finding it delightfully empty and quiet. There is also a certain delight in a bustling, lively restaurant, but lately I have enjoyed the quiet.

Ice cream.

The orchid I received from a student that is still (miraculously) alive two weeks later. I am skilled at killing plants, so it's always a miracle when I manage to keep one alive. 

Summer skirts and dresses.

Friends who keep in touch in the summer. A lot of things go on break in the summer and some friendships seem to do the same. That tells me something about those friendships. But what a delight to hear from a co-worker who wants to get together.

My new pajamas. I love pajamas, especially new ones that are soft and look like a lounge set. 

Discovering new music:

Sandwiches. I love a good sandwich. The good ones are messy and almost too thick to fit in your mouth. But they contain some of my favourite things in every bite: tomato, bread, cheese, bacon, avocado, or some combination of these.

There are many more things, but that's it for now. I hope you find your own list of delightful things because after all, "delight is its own reward".

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


We kicked off birthday month today. Yes, I know its already the 2nd and that birthday month isn't really a thing. But, July is a great month. I am off work. Emmi and I both have birthdays, as do quite a few of my friends. The weather is generally warm and dry. I get to spend time on my patio and read and enjoy my flowers. There are no chauffeuring duties, or if there are, they are to social events instead of early morning school drop offs.

So, today we celebrated July. We went for a walk to the Quay and bought fruit tarts. We drank iced coffee. We ate. In the evening, we went to listen to the Watoto children's choir. They were so joyful and lively even though their stories were dark and heartbreaking. 

It was a good day. And I am confident that July will be full of them.