Monday, March 23, 2020
Day eight
As you can see from the picture, we're in Hope for a few days. We drove up yesterday after a lazy morning, church and packing up. Packing to come here is always such a pain that it almost makes us not want to come. But, once we get here, it's so peaceful and lovely. The picture is from the backyard; I've blogged about this place many times before so I won't go into details again. Suffice it to say that I am at peace here. Life right now has a slower rhythmn than normal anyway, but somehow in Hope, it is even more pronounced. We play more games as a family, I read more books, we spend more time outside. Of course the sauna is a major draw for me, especially since all the saunas in town are currently closed.
This afternoon, I had a zoom coffee date with six friends. It was so fun and uplifting. There was a lot of laughter and some talking on top of each other, but it was great. I've been reading and listening to music and playing card games. Tonight we are going in the sauna and possibly making a fire pit with s'mores. All things considered, I am so grateful.