We played poker with the kids today. Previously, Emmi has just watched, but today she joined in for the first time. Pentti is clearly a good teacher because she cleaned house! I kind of thought that she wouldn't do too well and when she kept putting down chips, I thought I hope this doesn't end in tears (for her). Instead she had a full house and won the pot. It was great.
Earlier in the day, I walked around the trail near our house. It is 4 km and a fairly good workout because of all the steep inclines. It was raining most of the day, but it was dry when I went for a walk. The path was a little squishy, but it was still refreshing. The path is so enclosed by trees and other greenery that you'd never know that you are right in the middle of the city, right off busy Marine Drive. When I got home, I made spaghetti for dinner, which is always a huge hit and means that dinner for tomorrow is set too. Yay! After dinner I had an online chat with Dee. We chatted for an hour! It's funny, I hate the phone, but I actually don't mind video calls. Go figure.
That's it for today. This blog has turned into a sort of diary of my days in isolation, so I kind of hope no one is reading these. But, if you are I hope they aren't too boring!