How many times in a lifetime do you get a Jonathan and David type friendship? A deep, abiding friendship that actually lives up to the cliche of friends forever. The Bible says that the souls of David and Jonathan were knit together. That is pretty strong language and indicates that their bond was unbreakable. They were not fairweather friends or friends for a season; their friendship was forever. Not surprisingly, I recently read that "most people never have a friendship even slightly like that of Jonathan and David". The urban dictionary, after the definition of bosom friend, states "very hard to find". As much as most people would like one of these friendships, you can't find them or create them or search them out. These kinds of friendships are a gift from God and they happen organically. You meet someone and become friends. You spend time together, and get to know each other. If you are very fortunate, you may discover that you have found one of these rare, bosom friends who changes your life forever.
I have had lots of friends that have come and gone in my life. We have been in the same mom's group or workplace or neighbourhood and once the common denominator has been removed, we have just naturally drifted apart. We may have been close, but then life has happened and the friendship has petered out. I do also have some friends who I have been friends with for years. Friends from my childhood and coworkers who I still keep in touch with regularly. But, David and Jonathan type friendships? Those really are few and far between. In fact, I don't think I've ever had one of those. Until now.
At 46, I have found my David and Jonathan friendship. I will never let her go or not be her friend. Friends forever is so cliche, but I really can't imagine not having her in my life forever. I love her. I want to tell her things. I text her a lot. I hug her all the time and when I see her coming, my heart is happy. Even though it's completely irrational, I miss her on days when we don't talk or text, even if it's just one day.
She has my heart. Being with her is comfortable, but it also brings me joy. She is a treasure. She is smart and funny and quick-witted. She makes me laugh all the time. She is a deep thinker and a thoughtful, dedicated Christian. She inspires me in my faith to draw closer to Jesus. Sometimes she asks me challenging questions and makes me think. I can let my guard down and just be myself with her, without being filtered or curated; being with her is easy.
She was there for me when my dad was dying. She checked on me. She prayed for me and my family. Like really prayed. She came to my house the day my dad died to give me all the hugs I needed. She said: let me know if you need me with you at the memorial service and then came when I asked her to come. What a blessing when your best friend is also your best person when you are going through a hard time.
My friend chooses to spend time with me. Considering she is a homebody introvert, this is a big deal. She is willing to leave her cozy cave to hang out with me. In fact, she will even agree to do things which I know she is not that keen to do, because I ask her to. We have spent a lot of time together. We have had coffees and lunch dates and dinner dates and concert dates. I don't ever feel like we need a break or that we have been together too long. There is a consistency in our friendship; I can count on her. Always.
I am so grateful for this friend of mine although I'm not sure what I did to deserve her. But, I do know how very blessed I am to have found her.