We are back in Vancouver. It's strange how different it feels to stay at home in Vancouver than it does to stay home in Hope. Granted, our cabin in Hope sits on a slightly bigger piece of land and has a green space in the front and back. The backyard also includes a lovely creek. But even so, staying in in Hope feels more free. I don't really know how to explain it.
One thing I really love about Vancouver though is all the green space and walking trails near my house. I have lots of options for taking beautiful nature walks. Today, it was raining, but I went for a walk by myself anyway. It was so refreshing and peaceful. Hardly anyone was out and those that were kept their distance. I love walking in the (light) rain.
I also baked banana bread, had a zoom call with 9 others, and commiserated with my neighbour, who is also a teacher. All in all, it was a good day.