And, I am at peace. Yes, I am worried about economic devastation. Yes, I wonder what the world will look like in a few months. And yet. I have peace. I know who is in control. I know that even though I think Dr Bonnie Henry is amazing, she is not ultimately in charge. And so I have peace.
I went for my daily walk. Yesterday, Pentti joined me and "forced" me to walk the trail the more challenging (counterclockwise) way. Today, I got to go alone and walk at my own pace. To listen to worship music and a prayer app. It was beautiful. I messaged with all my favourite people. I watched a livestream of worship and prayer. I ate a home-cooked meal with my family. I listened to my favourite bloggers. I laughed with my kids. I prayed. There were lots of daffodils.
Today was a very good day.