Today is Palm Sunday. It feels so weird to not be able to go to church during holy week. I miss church so much. But, I'm not gonna lie, it is kind of nice to get up for church and just walk downstairs in my pajamas, sit on the couch with a cup of coffee and watch online. This morning, Pentti asked if I thought I'd make it to church today when I was still in bed five minutes before the livestream started, haha. I did make it, thank you very much, and it was lovely.
I went for two walks today because it was so beautiful out. I made Greek food. I had a lovely chat on zoom with my friend Wendy. I played cards with Emmi. I texted with my friends. It was a pretty good day. I have much to be grateful for.
I am not feeling grateful today. I am mourning all the things I can't do. I get why, I really do. But I am still sad and frustrated. I am an introvert who loves being home, but now I am never alone. Ever. I can't go to church. I miss my friends so much. I can't go to work and need to figure out some way to teach online. Starbucks is closed. I can't celebrate any of my nieces or nephews who have birthdays this month. I can't get my hair cut or get a pedicure. I can't pop into the Gap to see what new stuff they have for spring. Choir is cancelled. I was supposed to be at a concert today which was cancelled. Another concert I had scheduled for next week is postponed. I know these are not really hardships, but I am still mourning their loss. This sucks.