-kids doing homework. I am so happy with how their school has organized their learning. They seem to have an appropriate amount and they are able to work on it independently. I am a firm believer that homework is for kids, not for parents. I actually don't normally believe in homework at all, but that's a discussion for another day, lol.
-my walk in the woods. Thank God it continues to not be too busy. The city has also done a good job of putting up signs and designating different areas for different activities.
-the kids playing outside. They climb the big tree out front, or play hockey in the yard, or sometimes I let them get away with reading on the deck as part of their outdoor time.
-fend for yourself lunch. We are not big lunch eaters around here and get up at very different times. So, although Emmi requires some help, the kids generally make their own lunches. Joonas often makes scrambled eggs, or nachos or even grilled cheese. Both boys can cook a fair number of simple things on their own, which I think is great.
-dinner together. Pentti or I cook dinner. We eat together, we pray, we say what we're grateful for. I bet there are a lot of families that are eating together these days since the craziness of sports schedules is gone. I think this is a blessing.
-Pentti working from home, in various rooms of the house
-laundry, cleaning, dishes, kids fighting
-electronics time
-quiet reading