Day nineteen

Today's highlights included freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, poker, sunshine, a zoom chat, texts, a walk, cleaning the house, and lots of laughter. It is such a strange season of beautiful simplicity and terrible anxiety. There is so much time at home to do things like baking and reading and relaxing. At the same time, there is so much anxiety and missing of friends and fear. I don't quite know how to reconcile them. So, I am trying to enjoy the good moments and not dwell too much in the worry and fear. Sometimes I wonder whether I am burying my head in the sand, but what would depression and worry really help? How would that improve anything? Plus, I think of my kids. I don't want them to be anxious over things that they have no control over. I want them to look back on this time and think it was kind of beautiful the time that we all spent at home with no school, no lessons, no sports. The kids have actually gotten along surprisingly well. We make them go outside every day since we have a yard. They often choose to play together or climb the big tree that's in front of our kitchen window. I love that. Not everything about this time is terrible. I choose to find joy in the good.