Today is Good Friday. It was very strange to not go to church. But, since everyone is online, there sure are a lot of options these days. I actually ended up watching three different Good Friday services. They were all very different. My own church had made a video with just Scripture readings and some music. I thought it was really well done and powerful. One of the other services I watched had three mini sermons and music. I have to say that none of those three sermons touched me as deeply as the video from my church where various people just read Scripture aloud.
I did my usual walk. They've now put up signs that the trail is one way only, I guess to help with social distancing. The unfortunate (?) thing is that they've set the direction as counterclockwise, which is the more challenging way to walk the trail. Argh. But, if it's mandated, I guess I have no choice but to work even harder on my 4 km walk, which by the way ends up being 5km when you calculate it from door to door.
I had a long zoom chat with my best friend today. Not getting to spend time with her is the worst. But it was so nice to have a long chat. Video calls are actually surprisingly lovely. You can almost feel like you are out having coffee together. Almost. It's definitely better than phone calls, where you can't even see the person's face.
Today was a good Friday in every sense of the word.