Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas friends!


I have loved many things this Christmas... Being in the choir and getting to practise Christmas songs all fall. Hosting the staff party. Having dinner with my siblings and their families and playing games and laughing and staying too late. Going to Christmas concerts. Giving gifts. Shopping. Various Christmas parties. Admiring all the lights everywhere. Candles.
But tonight, I went to the candlelight service at my church. It was quiet and lovely. We sang with just a piano and a guitar. The tone was rather hushed and reverent even. And I loved it most of all because it was the perfect way to usher in the quiet of Christmas. It's past midnight now, so its the early hours of Christmas day. We'll spend a quiet day at home with just the four of us. The rush is over. Merry Christmas friends!!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Second Chance

My mother got remarried at 73 years old and I think it is nothing but great! Make no mistake-my father was the great love of my mother's life. They were together for 47 years. They were happy and in love. She mourned him for 4 solid years. She told anyone who would listen about her loss, and how blessed she'd been. But after 4 years, she met someone new. Or not new exactly- she reconnected with an old aquaintance. And that meeting of a widow and a widower, who both loved God and music and family, turned into a second chance at love. How great is that?

It has been very interesting to see people's reactions though. A lot of people can't seem to let go of the past. I loved my father fiercely and would do anything to get him back. But, that love does not in any way affect my feelings toward this new relationship. My father is not coming back. Happiness in this world is fleeting. If my mother has a second chance for happiness with a man who clearly loves her, how can that be anything but a blessing?

Sunday, December 22, 2024


I did the Scripture reading at church this morning from Luke. I was particularly moved by the words from Luke 1:76-79: "because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace".

Wow, that's really beautiful. To think of the mercy and light of God being like a sunrise after the deep, dark of night. It's not hard to picture darkness, despair and death these days. There is just so much evil and suffering and injustice. But to picture the sun rising into the midst of that, the dark night ending and light dawning, that image is hope. That is the message of Christmas. Merry Christmas friends; the light has come. His kingdom is here, but also not yet fully. But, "one day everything sad is going to come untrue and it will somehow be greater for having once been broken and lost."

Anyone who knows me, knows I am not ever a morning person. But in Florida, when the colours of the sunrise wake you, you need to get up and take a picture.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Staff party

Lesley, in the middle, is the one who mopped for me and did many other wonderful things to help get ready and set up. Carolyn, on the left, is our most amazing support worker.

I hosted our staff party last night, which was crazy. I live in a townhouse and almost 30 people had rsvp'd as coming. I do not have space for 30 people on my main floor and I could hardly banish anyone to the basement (those people didn't sign up to come who I would've wanted down there anyway lol). But, our previous party hostess swtiched schools, everyone prefers a home over a restaurant, I live five minutes from school and I am on the social committee this year. So, I thought I would give it a go. 
My house was very full. There were people everywhere. But, the whole thing went very well. A couple of my closer teaching friends came early to help set up. The kitchen table was overflowing with appetizers. One of those same friends had actually come to mop and vacuum with me the night before. By the time the party started, everything was ready and the four of us who were early were sitting around chatting and sampling the appies. No mad, sweaty running around at the last minute.
Once the party got going, everyone was happily eating and chatting and taking photos at the silly photo booth I had set up. It was great. Dinner, which we had ordered in, arrived on time and was delicious.
The funny thing is that even though it was packed, everyone seemed to have a good time. A few had said they would only pop in for a few minutes and ended up staying through dinner and dessert too. The last guests left 5 hours after the party had started. It was fun and I would do it again.
The "early" crew.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Choir part 2

Our three Christmas concerts were this past Saturday and Monday. Yes, I am biased, but they were truly fantastic!! That is not to say that they were perfect, but pretty close. I ended up having 22 people come out to listen to the choir. About half had never heard the choir before and were blown away. One of them said: I am in love with your choir. Another commented that the choir was incredible. One critical newcomer commented to his neighbour after the first song: you're right, they ARE good! Pentti even came, although he doesn't like concerts, and admitted that it was very good. 

I was so excited to sing for so many of my friends, but also proud of how hard we had worked. We put in a lot of hours of practice and I think it was evident in the level of our preparedness. I was happy to have people come and be shocked. I loved seeing the reaction of one of my friends when we started singing; her jaw literally dropped, haha.

We also had fun with the choir members before, during and after the concerts. We spent a lot of time together. Saturday was a nine hour day. It was exhausting, but we had time to play card games and chat and go for dinner. I am really glad that I was in the choir in those years before COVID because back then we used to have a choir weekend retreat in Whistler and more social events. So, I got to know people pretty well. A lot of those same people are still in the choir so it feels like family. Maybe new people are able to feel that too and form bonds quickly, but that's hard for me. So, I feel fortunate that although this is my first year back, it is in fact my fourth year with a lot of the same people. What a joy to share the love of singing, the message of hope and the willingness to put in the effort to do it really well!!

Friday, December 13, 2024

Teaching in December

Teaching in December is crazy. But it's also fun. The report cards are written and go home on Monday. The students are hyper, done with school and needing a vacation. So why not add to the crazy by planning fun activities to keep them engaged. Today, we celebrated the end of our study of Mr Putter books. Since the character Mr Putter likes tea and english muffins, that is what our celebration called for as well. In the afternoon, we got together with two other classes to start a "Box, Not A Box" challenge, which involves turning a cardboard box into something more interesting. There were designs for spaceships and cars and castles and robots. Next week we do the crafting of the boxes. With my friend Lesley, we also set up math games and crafts and let the students choose their math activities for the week. It was pretty amazing how on-task they were and how much learning was happening. There was also a winter concert and pajama day and a staff meeting.This week also had crying support workers, teachers who quit, emergency chocolate, coffee and donuts, sobbing, screaming and lots of venting behind closed doors....It was a lot. I'm glad it's Friday.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


Me, Shelle and Dee last night

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you would know that I was thinking about rejoining choir this year. Well, I did it and I have no regrets!! Last night was our last dress rehearsal before next weekend's concerts. They are going to be SO AMAZING! There are some really great songs, the venue is the best, the band is top notch, Christmas downtown is amazing, I love Crystal, Gail and Tim (the soloists), I could go on and on. But speaking of Gail, she is our retiring director and an absolute musical genius and beautiful human being. She is the main reason I rejoined the choir this year in particular. To sing under her is a joy, even when she sometimes yells at us. If she didn't set high expectations the choir would not be what it is. Since she is retiring at the end of the season, it was now or never to rejoin the choir.

Sixteen of my friends (that I know of) are coming to the concerts and I am thrilled. They are spread out over the three (soldout) concerts, so I will have people at every concert. I hope they see and hear the joy of singing together, how amazing our director is, how encouraging the lyrics are, what hope we have in this season and that they leave feeling uplifted and joyful. I know I will. I can't wait!

Sunday, December 1, 2024


Since the summer, I have being doing a verse by verse study of the book of Revelation. I am surprised by what I have already learned and what I have had to unlearn. Growing up, I always thought (and heard preached) that Revelation was a book about the end times. That cracking the code of Revelation would give you a better idea of when Jesus would return. Although Revelation does in fact have details about the end times, that is not what it is primarily about.

First of all Revelation tells you in its first verses that it is the revelation of Jesus Christ, knowing who he is. A beautiful picture is painted of Jesus, walking amongst the lampstands, which are revealed to be his church. The images of who he is are straight from the Old Testament. He holds the stars in his right hand, and yet he puts that same right hand on the shoulder of John (the writer) to comfort him. He is the one who loves us. He is the one who is sovereign over everything.

Second, a lot of people think that from chapter 4 onward, the events described are of the future, but if you look carefully, same or similar events are told in (7)cycles from different angles. If they are separate events, then Jesus returns in judgement many times instead of once, and that's just not true. I don't pretend to have it all figured out and I don't want to be dogmatic about my opinions either. What I do want to share and what surprises me most is how hopeful the book is. I have put off studying it for years because it seemed daunting and scary. I had heard that it was written to encourage the church and I had kind of thought, what does discouragement look like if this is someone's idea of encouragement. But I was wrong. Knowing and understanding that there is a cosmic battle going on is helpful in many ways. It tells us that other people are not the enemy. It tells us who sits on the throne in heaven. It reveals that the one who has the entire plan of world history in his right hand is also the one who chose to save us. As we enter the season of Advent today, I have never felt more profoundly the miracle of light entering the world. Of Jesus choosing to take on humble flesh in order to save us. 

So I stare at the twinkling lights on my tree and marvel at the Christmas story once again.

Friday, November 8, 2024

God is already there

Before the alarm,

before the coffee,

before the waking up,

He is already there.

Before the morning rush,

before the drop off line,

before the to-dos on your list,

He is already there.

Before the deadline,

before the disappointment,

before the unexpected delay,

He is already there.

Before the diagnosis,

before the phone call,

before the meeting,

He is already there.

Before the confrontation,

before the heartbreak,

before the life-changing news,

He is already there.

Before the laughter,

before the surprise,

before the blessing,

He is already there.

Before the decision,

before the outcome,

before the need to know,

He is already there.

Before all you will face,

before all you will need to do,

before all you will 


walk through,

see and feel this day -

your God is already there.~❤

~Stacy L. Sanchez

Thursday, October 31, 2024


I was away for a second weekend in a row. The timing was not great, but teacher professional days are set the year before and the province wide one is a big one. So, Lesley and I decided to go to the primary teacher's conference in Victoria. We left on Thursday already so that we wouldn't have to take a ferry the morning of the conference. The weather on Thursday was beautiful and the ferry ride was amazing because of the views, but also the colours of fall and the sunset. The conference was at The Empress and the attached conference center. What a beautiful venue. And so close to everything. So in our free time we were able to walk and explore downtown Victoria. 

The conference itself was actually really good. Unfortunately I have been to a lot of terrible professional days where I learn nothing. This was definitely one of the better ones. Of course it helped a lot that we made a weekend of it and were also able to enjoy the pool and sauna in the hotel. But still, I took notes, I learned some new things and I got a lot of ideas for things I will implement into my classroom. 

Since we stayed until Saturday, which was a completely free day, we were able to have a lazy morning, go for brunch and do some shopping. Arriving home on the 5pm ferry and passing Tsawwassen Mills was just too great a temptation, so we made a "quick" stop. All in all, it was one of the best professional days ever.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Women's Retreat

Recently, I had a fabulous time at my third Christ City women's retreat. In the past I have often eschewed women's events because they are often corny and full of awful icebreaker games and singing Kumbaya and holding hands. Well, that last part might be an exaggeration, but you get the idea. I don't know why some people think that women prefer Chicken Soup For The Soul over solid Bible teaching, but that seems to often be the case. But not at Christ City and especially not this time. We had a great Bible teacher who went through Ephesians with us. She made us think and discuss and pray and it was meaningful and deep. I have often said that my measure of a good lecture or sermon is whether it challenges me and makes me think. Well, I am still pondering over the messages from the retreat two weeks later.  

The retreat was at Rockridge in Princeton and the drive there sucked. Sally my roommate and I regretted signing up for the retreat at all. It was dark and rainy and we had worked all day. But, when we finally got to the retreat, we immediately changed our minds. We saw friends, our room was great, the resort was beautiful and had lots of lounging areas. There was lots of time to hang around, walk, eat, read and drink tea. I was able to catch up with friends and get to know some new people. Even though there were about 150 women at the retreat, there was ample space and lots of different areas for chilling, so it never felt crowded or like there were too many people.

I came away from the retreat refreshed and happy. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

San Francisco

I spent last weekend in San Francisco with my friend Lesley and her two daughters. It was such fun. We walked a lot. We took in some sights. We shopped. We ate great food. We read books. We sat by the pool. The hotel we stayed at was right in Fisherman's Wharf, so there was lots to see just by walking down the block.

Saturday, September 21, 2024


I went to a beautiful celebration of life for my childhood pastor today. It was like a slice of heaven: the music, the atmosphere, the hymns, connecting with old friends. The timing of it was so curious, or should I say providential. This morning I heard devastating news that a preacher that I look up to has had a moral failing and has had to step down from all his ministries. I don't know him personally, although I have heard him speak in person. I really thought that he was one of the solid ones; I couldn't imagine him failing, and yet here we are. But I have to admit, that although he was a powerful preacher and expositor of God's Word, I have no idea who he was when he stepped off the stage.

Someone I did know, on and off the stage, was my childhood pastor. So, interesting that it was his life we were celebrating in memoriam today. To admire someone from afar is one thing, but to know someone in a small church for 35 years is quite another. I have blogged about him before, so I won't go into it here. But, I am very blessed that I have had the privilege of knowing many strong pillars of the Christian faith up close and personal. And I am so thankful that they have been unshakeable and strong. That their moral character has been strong and unwavering. So yes it's terribly sad that a well known preacher has fallen from grace, but it happens. No one is invincible. But today we celebrated the life of someone I knew, who helped shepherd me as my pastor and who lived out an exemplary Christian life. I am so grateful for his example, for his faithfulness and integrity. I am who I am today in part because of the church he shepherded for 16 years. 

My pastor is on the left. He officiated our wedding 25 years ago, together with my grandfather, who is on the right.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


September is the worst. I don't mind returning to work, or the coming of fall. What I can't stand is the uncertainty that September brings. Everything restarts, but it's all very unstable and unknown. What will our weekly schedule look like? Which teachers will my kids get? What will my own class be like? Who will be my support workers? What will the new staff be like? Who will be in my Bible study group? Everything in September is in flux and unsettled and I can't stand it.

Because everything restarts, there is also a lot of introductory sessions. Meet the teacher nights-both as parent and as teacher. Back to school barbecues. Fall launches. September drags on and on and I can't wait for everything to normalize. 

So, every year I can't wait for October. I love routines. I love knowing what to expect. I love being able to plan my life because I know what is happening. I get more done when I have a regular schedule. So the countdown is on! Three more weeks until October!

PS. Anyone who knows me knows I also love the season of fall the best. So here's to also eagerly anticipating candles, pumpkins, crisp sunny days, pie, colourful leaves, fireplaces, scarves and all the wonderful things that are fall.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


The last languid days of summer...the lazy slow days of sitting in the hammock. Of swim and sauna. Listening to the crickets and the river. Savoring a good book. 

We're spending the end of summer at my brother's house and it's perfect. I feel like summer could go on forever. The kids are entertaining each other. The sky is bright blue and cloudless. Pentti and I go for a leisurely coffee at the bakery in the tiny town of Lumby. We all eat dinner together, all 11 of us, followed by homemade apple pie and ice cream. Our first full day here winds down. The boys are in the sauna...the four cousins. The dog is lying on the floor, exhausted. The rest of us are in our own corners and it's quiet and lovely and relaxed. Outside on the deck, I swing in the hammock and stare at the stars. I can feel the cool, crisp of autumn in the air. What a glorious end to summer 2024...

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


God works all things together for good....Oftentimes this is hard to see, but sometimes, especially in reflecting back, you can see how God has been leading and guiding from way back. 
Winnie and I met when our oldest sons started preschool, 16 years ago. We both also had second sons the same age. We were friendly, but not very close. When both sets of our boys finished preschool we lost touch. Unbeknownst to each other, we both had daughters five years later. Then one day, I "randomly" ran into her while on a walk in the forest. We chatted for awhile and agreed we should meet up. Winnie said she couldn't do Tuesdays because that was BSF day. Having never heard of it, I asked what that was and so began a long chain of events which have completely changed my life. All from that "chance" meeting.
I started BSF in 2014. It lead me to deeper Bible study. It introduced me to some of my closest friends. I formed a summer Bible study group with some of those friends which met for three summers to study God's word every week. Through BSF, I was also indirectly lead to the church that we have now been attending for the last eight years. Christ City church has been one of the biggest blessings of my life.
Through Winnie, I was also introduced to my choir. Again, I had never heard of it, but her friend sang in it and we went to the choir's Christmas concert. I was hooked. Through a friend in choir, I was indirectly introduced to Nancy Guthrie, who is a Bible teacher who has profoundly impacted my walk with God and also lead me to other Bible teachers who have inspired me greatly.
All that to say, I do not believe in chance meetings or coincidences. God is sovereignly guiding our lives in a million ways that we often do not see. That one meeting with Winnie in the forest ten years ago has changed the direction of my life in ways I could have never imagined. Amazing.

(Last night I met up with Winnie and Crystal, who was my first BSF leader.)

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Powell River

The sound of gentle ocean waves hitting the shore. The sun setting as it lights up the sky in pinks and oranges and reds. The quiet. A delicious meal cooked by my friend eaten outside. An invigorating afternoon swim. A bright oceanside cottage far from the worries of everyday life. Laughter. The joys of a good book. Morning coffee on the blue sofa, gazing in wonder at the vastness of the ocean. The smell of the salty ocean air. Animated discussions about the Bible. 

My soul positively sinks into the rest of all these things. I know that the world is a burning dumpster fire. That work starts soon. That there are hard things. But here, I can relax and enjoy and savor the moments.

Friday, August 9, 2024


James 2:1 "My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favour some people over others?" 

Our church is in a sermon series on the book of James for the summer. James is one of those books of the Bible that really puts you against the wall. Are you serious about your faith or are you just putting on a show? Are you willing to give anything up or is Jesus just an added bonus in your life? 

The sermon on partiality/favouritism really got me. I want to be gracious. No, I do not want to give the rich people the best seats. No I do not want the poor to have to stand in the corner in the back. I want the church to be more like a hospital where broken people can come, than like a country club that has a dress code and a financial requirement. Or do I? Do I really want to see broken, weird people come to Jesus? If I do, do I hope it happens outside the church, after which they get cleaned up and THEN they can come to church? I'm not gonna answer that, but I can tell you about some people I've come across lately in three different churches, one of them being my own.

There is a loud, disruptive man who clearly has some special needs. His timing for everything is off whether its the liturgy or singing or the prayer. Did I mention that he is very loud? He annoys me. There is an older woman who is different. I am not sure she is homeless exactly, but that's definitely the vibe (and smell) that she gives off. She too is not quiet and can be quite disruptive. I hope she doesn't sit near me. There is an obviously down on his luck man who walks into church in the middle of the sermon. He goes to sit in the front row, eats loudly and calls out during the sermon (and I don't mean the odd amen). The pastor knows the man by name and is not ruffled in the slightest. After this continues for awhile, one of the other pastors goes to sit with the man and he settles down. I find him a nuisance. There is a woman who comes in late. She is bedraggled, for lack of a better word. She is also wearing a tshirt with the playboy logo written rather large on it. I am shocked that someone would wear such a shirt to church. I am indignant.

Do these sound like gracious Christian responses to you? They sure don't to me. In the case of the last woman, I found out later about her struggles and how far she has come in her walk with Jesus. Turns out it was a miracle that she was there at all. I don't know how much clothing she has and whether the offending shirt is actually an improvement. I am ashamed. I vow to do better. Because do you know who was offended by the noisy, dirty, outcast people Jesus associated with? The Pharisees. Enough said.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Good Work Of Waiting

I feel like I am in a season of waiting...for a lot of things. But maybe that's always true. I am certainly grateful for today and for good health and a chance to go away for the weekend with the family and a whole list of other things. But there are also things that are not as they should be and on those I am waiting. Mostly trusting God's timing, and yet sometimes finding myself frustrated and despairing. The following is a liturgy or prayer for times of waiting that I found. I love it so much I put it on my fridge.

As my life is lived in anticipation

of the redemption of all things,

so let my slow movement in this line

be to my own heart

a living parable and a teachable moment.

Do not waste even my petty irritations, O Lord.

Use them to expose my sin and selfishness

and to reshape my vision

and my desire into better, holier things.

Decrease my unrighteous impatience,

directed at circumstances and people.

Increase instead my righteous longing

for the moment of your return,

when all creation will be liberated

from every futility in which it now languishes.

Be present in my waiting, O Lord,

that I might also be present in it

as a Christ-bearer to those before and behind me,

who also wait.

As I am a vessel, let me not be like a sodden

paper cup full of steaming frustration, carelessly

sloshing unpleasantness on those around me.

Rather, let me be like a communion chalice,

reflecting the silvered beauty of your light,

brimming with an offered grace.


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Birthday week

I had the most wonderful birthday week full of friends and surprises and cake and flowers and cards. I met up with so many friends and family. I was really touched by all the love. I am very blessed to have so many wonderful friends and a family who loves me. I am grateful.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Catching Up

I had a dinner party yesterday with these ladies (and one more who is missing from the photo). We have been through a lot together over the years and life continues to throw challenges at many of us. But to be in community, to share our burdens, to eat, laugh, hug and catch up-that's exactly what we all needed. It was great!

Interestingly, I have actually met up with different friends every single day this week. You'd think that would be tiring for this introvert, but it has been really nice. During school, my time is more limited and in the evenings I often don't feel like socializing. To have the time to hang out with friends, but also have enough time to recharge in between with alone time has been amazing. But, I better go get ready because the next friend is coming over in an hour...

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


"I want to be a person who is easily delighted, who lives with an extremely low bar for delight. I want to be flooded with joy by a perfectly ripe peach, heart-bursting with happiness at the sound of my kids' laughter, dazzled by the sky at dusk." 

And so, here is my list of things that have delighted me lately in no particular order:

My new deck. My brother replaced our rotting wood decking with composite tiles. I love it so much and he did it right before school ended.

Handwritten thank you cards from my students, complete with heartfelt messages and drawings of us holding hands. Also emails from parents who say my daughter no longer says I hate school every day like she did the year before.

The laughter of my often sullen, moody preteen daughter. Especially while playing cards.

My daughter's theological questions of late. I don't know all the answers, but I am so delighted that she is thinking deeply about things.

Going to a favourite cafe or patio with a friend and finding it delightfully empty and quiet. There is also a certain delight in a bustling, lively restaurant, but lately I have enjoyed the quiet.

Ice cream.

The orchid I received from a student that is still (miraculously) alive two weeks later. I am skilled at killing plants, so it's always a miracle when I manage to keep one alive. 

Summer skirts and dresses.

Friends who keep in touch in the summer. A lot of things go on break in the summer and some friendships seem to do the same. That tells me something about those friendships. But what a delight to hear from a co-worker who wants to get together.

My new pajamas. I love pajamas, especially new ones that are soft and look like a lounge set. 

Discovering new music:

Sandwiches. I love a good sandwich. The good ones are messy and almost too thick to fit in your mouth. But they contain some of my favourite things in every bite: tomato, bread, cheese, bacon, avocado, or some combination of these.

There are many more things, but that's it for now. I hope you find your own list of delightful things because after all, "delight is its own reward".