Friday, February 12, 2021

You Hold Me Up

I recently heard read a lovely children's book called You Hold Me Up. I decided to borrow the idea from the book and make my own list of things that hold me up. These are things that my friends have done that have held me up especially in the last year during the pandemic. I thought about listing specific people and what they've done, but changed my mind. If you know me well, you will recognize who some of the comments are about, and you may also recognize which ones are about you...

You hold me up when you...

-hug me
-sing to me
-hold my hand
-pray for me and with me
-say let's not wait too long to have that lunch
-have coffee waiting for me
-schedule me regularly into your life
-share food with me
-text: "I am so glad you are you"
-ask me how my day was
-tell me I am beautiful
-allow me to be myself
-understand me
-message me
-send me (snail) mail
-laugh with me
-call me your friend
-cook for me
-listen to me
-send me funny memes
-encourage me
-put your arm through mine
-study and learn with me
-sit with me
-tell me what's on your heart
-use sayings that are ours only
-walk with me
-comfort me
-listen to me cry
-let me lean my head on your shoulder
-tell me you love me

You hold me up. I hold you up. We hold each other up.