Wednesday, February 22, 2023


It's Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent on the church calendar. I have done various things over the years to mark the season of Lent. It has always involved giving up something whether shopping, wine, or social media. This year, I have decided to do something a little different. Rather than giving up something, I have decided to focus on what I am filling myself up with and choose my "best yes" each day. My best yes on any given day might look different. Today, it looked like going to an Ash Wednesday service where there was beautiful singing, candlelight, ashes, communion and prayer. I was tired after work and considered staying home. But I knew that I would love the church service and it would be worth going. And I was right. 

In considering what my best yes is, I don't mean to selfishly fill myself with all the things that delight me. On Sunday our church is having an AGM. I have never been and I hate (business) meetings, but my best yes involves doing things I know I should do whether I want to or not. Exercise on the elliptical falls into this category and a variety of other things that I will be doing. Looking forward to the next 40 days til Easter...