Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Today was a fabulous day. In fact, it was so great that I mostly forgot to take pictures. Pentti stayed home with the kids so that I could come to Hope for a few days with a friend. I picked her up just before noon and we headed out. We stopped in Chilliwack for Indian food at The Shandar Hut and it was delicious. Then, we went to the Vedder River for a walk. Neither of us had been there before and it was beautiful. It was also surprisingly treed, so there was some shade, which was much needed on such a hot day. On our way out of Chilliwack we stopped for coffee. Of course. 
We got to Hope around 3:30, I think. I mean who cares what time it was when I don't even know what day it is...lol. Besides, we are on vacation. Anyway, we sat around in the backyard and admired the creek. We chatted. We read. 
We were still so full from lunch that we decided to go to Save On and buy something light and eat at the house. We made soup and open faced sandwiches. We even went for a second walk down to the lake because it was such a nice evening. Then, we went in the sauna. I was shocked that my friend lasted more than 30 minutes. What a trooper, lol. I don't think she had been in a true "Finnish" sauna before, which is of course the only real kind there is....
Now I am here sitting on the couch contemplating whether to open the bag of chips or not. This is one of the hardest decisions I have had to make today...cue the violins...haha. But seriously, what a lovely, relaxing day. I was telling my friend that I have had a house full of people since March 13 when spring break started, which for this introvert has been hard. No, it's not a true hardship, but I am so used to having time to myself during the day and I have had very little of that. Being here, in this quiet house, relaxing with a friend, most especially this particular friend, is a true gift. I am so happy.
The Vedder river