Monday, August 15, 2022


A blogger I follow asked recently what makes a good friend when someone is NOT in crisis and that got me thinking. I've always thought true friends were the ones you could call on in the middle of the night when something horrible happened. But, maybe I have been thinking about this all wrong. Maybe true friends are actually the ones who are there during the mundane, boring, everyday times. Because really, how often do those crisis moments happen? Hopefully not often; most of life is made up of the mundane, the everyday, the uneventful.

So maybe the regularly scheduled Tuesday meet up when there's nothing special going on is actually the bigger blessing. Because I do think that close friendship requires doing life together. That includes the middle of the night crisis moments, but it should also include the ordinary. And so I am grateful for the friends who include me in their ordinary and who are there for my boring moments. They are the ones that I can be myself around. They are true and good and constant.