Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Since I am going to be spending a lot of time at home in the foreseeable future, I was thinking that this is as good a time as any to blog a little more. Anyone who knows me well knows that I always have lots to say...lol...so it won't exactly be a hardship.
Despite the crazy times we're living in, there are blessings all around. I'm so grateful that this virus didn't get out of control here until the spring. It was another beautiful sunny day today. I was able to go for a walk along the woodsy path that encircles the golf course near my house. There was so much beauty around me in the budding trees and the filtered sunlight and the ferns and the moss. The fact that I am able to go for walks at all is a blessing because last year at this time I had a twisted ankle and I wasn't taking walks anywhere. I am grateful I live in an area of Vancouver with lots of trees and walking paths and fairly clean air. I am grateful that my kids are old enough that I can actually leave them at home sometimes and get some time to myself.
Today they announced that schools are out indefinitely. I am choosing to take this as a blessing as well. Since my dad died, I have not had much enthusiasm for subbing, which I am technically supposed to do at least 1.5 days a week. I do love my own class, but it has been extremely challenging with the addition of a new student in the new year. In light of mourning my father and not enjoying the stress of dealing with a completely changed class dynamic, I am taking this as a welcome break. I am not sure whether I will be paid, but I am not going to worry about something I have no control over. 
Speaking of my dad, I am so glad that he is not ill during this time. We had unlimited access to him while he was in the hospital. We did not think twice about visiting him. We did not have to worry that his health issues would make him susceptible to some virus. We only had to think about his cancer and about maximizing our time with him. I can't imagine that under current conditions the 6 of us could have been in his hospital room when he passed. I am grateful for the uninterrupted time that we had with him week in and week out.
So, despite challenging times, I am filled with gratitude. And I am happy.