Monday, March 16, 2020

Crazy Times

We are living in interesting times. A virus is running rampant worldwide and the responses to it are changing by the hour. Yesterday, we couldn't gather in groups of more than 250 and today that number is down to 50. Socializing of all kinds is actually discouraged. To prevent the spread of the virus: no shaking hands, no hugging, no coming closer than 6ft of each other. The world is in turmoil. People are panicked and losing all common sense. I don't think I've ever lived through a time quite like this one before. But, I am calm. Yes, I am inconvenienced. Yes, almost everywhere I could take my kids during spring break is closed. Yes, several concerts I had tickets for are cancelled. Yes, schools may be closed longer than 2 weeks and I may not be paid during the closure. The list goes on. 
But, it is in times like these that I quiet my soul. I mean, I am an introvert anyway, so it's not that unusual, but chaos actually makes me take stock. To go back to those things that refresh my soul. I have been listening to some sermons. I have been listening to readalouds of poetry and Psalms by one of my favorite bloggers. I have been baking because I find it a soothing activity. I have listened to music. I gathered in a small group with my church family. I have walked outside. These are things that inspire me and keep me calm in the face of so much unrest and craziness. These, and total trust in a God who is still in control. A God who loves me and wants what's best for me. I pray that I would not waste this time watching Netflix and scrolling through social media. I pray that I would spend this time deeply reflecting on why all the things I can't do right now matter to me and how I have perhaps taken them for granted. I hope that I would pray more and spend more time with the Creator of the universe.