Monday, March 30, 2020

Day fifteen

On my walk today I was admiring all the burgeoning spring around me. Nature is so full of life right now and it doesn't stop just because we are in the middle of a COVID19 crisis. As I walked and the dappled light came through the trees I was thinking about the line from the Lord's Prayer "your kingdom come". Right now it feels like God's kingdom could not be farther away, but walking in nature, it's like I can see it peeking through. The glimmers of sunlight and the unstoppable trees and flowers coming to life....they make me feel like I am getting a glimpse of God's kingdom, the way that things are meant to be and not as they are now. It makes me hopeful.
I had four different online meetings today. The best one was definitely with my choir! The meeting itself was ok, but texting with my friends on the side was hilarious. I had to turn my camera off a few times because I was laughing so hard. I miss my choir friends, especially the ones who know me really well.