Friday, April 3, 2020

Day eighteen

It feels ironic to be blogging ever day in a season when everything is cancelled and nothing is happening. And yet, the everyday of meal prep, buying food, getting exercise, being with my kids, devotions, texts with friends have not changed. No, I can't go to the gym, but I am trying to walk every day. Walking in nature is so healing for me that I may actually be getting more exercise than normal during my daily walks. No, I am not meeting up with friends, but I am texting, messaging and video calling with them. No, I am not going daily to the stores, but I have food and shelter. I am grateful.
And, I am at peace. Yes, I am worried about economic devastation. Yes, I wonder what the world will look like in a few months. And yet. I have peace. I know who is in control. I know that even though I think Dr Bonnie Henry is amazing, she is not ultimately in charge. And so I have peace.
I went for my daily walk. Yesterday, Pentti joined me and "forced" me to walk the trail the more challenging (counterclockwise) way. Today, I got to go alone and walk at my own pace. To listen to worship music and a prayer app. It was beautiful. I messaged with all my favourite people. I watched a livestream of worship and prayer. I ate a home-cooked meal with my family. I listened to my favourite bloggers. I laughed with my kids. I prayed. There were lots of daffodils.
Today was a very good day.